Stroudsburg – Rosemarie Lobe-Waller, CFO announced the promotion of Heather Kehler from the position of Accounting Dept. Payroll Coordinator to Assistant Controller of the Wilkins organization.

Kehler has been fulltime with Wilkins for 2 years. In that time, Kehler handled Accounts Payable for a number of community associations managed by NEPA Management Associates. Each Bookkeeper handles a portfolio of accounts or communities. Kehler then began handling long-term rentals; accounts receivable, accounts payable and ACH disbursements of rent received to the owners.

Said Lobe-Waller, “Heather is the type employee that simply stands up and says ‘what can I do next; what more can I learn; how can I help in any way; how can we handle more clients and work smarter.’ When you have that type of employee you reward them by a promotion.”

In her new capacity, Kehler will answer directly to Lobe-Waller, CFO who is and has been Controller for the Wilkins organization for the past 16 years.

Said Thomas R. Wilkins, CEO, “I am very proud of our Accounting Dept. Not only do they handle hundreds of escrows, but also the funds of over 40 community associations in different capacities, but in all cases the bookkeeping and fiscal management. Then you add to that the other real estate related financial transactions and it’s really an incredible feat that’s accomplished within that department; and we still have the highest ratings in customer service. The Accounting Dept. employs 4 bookkeepers and Lobe-Waller as CFO.”

Wilkins further stated, “With the amount of proposals and agreements that we’re getting on the NEPA side, as well as long-term and corporate rentals, and our real estate business picking up the way we expected, the full-fledged Accounting Dept. is vital to our business.”

Kehler will also be a part of the committee setting up the Accounting Dept. “online”, meaning in the future, it’s doubtful a physical check will be used; instead everything will be electronic—paying vendors, receiving rents, incomes and commissions.

One of the first projects is paying the Realtors through an automated deposit into their bank accounts. Said Lobe-Waller, “We would eliminate the processing of a check to a Realtor and having them take it to the bank for deposit. This would mean that payment of the Realtor would be immediate and available to them through their checking account. It’s a big step, but will put us ahead of the curve with any and all of the other Brokers. No Pocono Broker, to my knowledge, is paying their Realtors’ commissions through Direct Deposit.”

Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Wilkins & Associates and NEPA Management Associates, Inc. is celebrating 29 years in business this coming June. All offices are open 7 days a week. Accounting is open Monday through Friday. To visit our companies online, go to or